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Get Off The Train Early!

Your health is like a train track. The statistics show overwhelmingly that the end destination (at some point) is likely cancer, heart...

Inflammation - The Root Of All Evil

If there is one single word that is uttered more often then any other when it comes to the source of all illness, disease and early...

Sleep & Disease - What you need to know!

Sleep can be thought of as an Archimedes lever or a master control mechanism. When you pull the sleep lever for good or bad it directly...

52 Years of Learning

I like to consider myself an eternal student of life! As I celebrate my 52nd birthday I have written a list of some of the greatest...

My Top 12 Health Habit Tips (that work)

Brush your teeth straight after dinner to prevent snacking or alcohol at night! It works! Remove all processed foods & snacks from house...


What 30 years as a health coach, 70000 PT sessions and 1000 hours reading articles, research studies and expert podcast on fat loss &...

Top 10 Health Do's & Don'ts

If you have missed everything I have ever written & sent you just follow this and you will be moving in the right direction for optimal...

Don’t Be a Burden on Your Kids!

When my youngest daughter is 30 years old I am going to be 75! If I want to be around to see her get married and give me grand children I...

My 15 Greatest Health Truisms

All things are easy to do, and easy not to do Our experience of the world is dependent on the state of our nervous system. Nothing tastes...

Burnout - Its Real But You Can Fix It!!

I remember reading an article by a renowned psychiatrist that said: “There are two types of people in the world, those that are burnt out...

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