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Writer's pictureMatt Crowe

Water is Critical for Optimal Health...and not enough might make you fat…

Oh and tired, sick, depressed and more likely to have a heart attack!

Water… it is as fundamental to optimal humahealth as anything ever studied!

Without adequate hydration our body is under performing on every level! Blood flow, heart function, detoxification, nutrient distribution, immune health, lymph flow, mineral balance, weight management and overall wellbeing depend critically on hydration status!

We are 60% water! Our brain is 80% water!

Drop 2% in hydration at any point and you will have up to 30% decrease in physical performance and cognitive ability (thinking). Go without water for 5 days you die!

You probably don’t realise it but those muscle cramps, headaches, constipation, brain fog, fatigue, poor sleep, constant illness and belly fat that won’t move might be as simple as not drinking enough water!

What does water do for the human body?

  1. Allows red blood cells to carry oxygen more efficiently resulting in better muscle function (performance) and increased mental sharpness (productivity)

  2. Dehydration taxes the heart by causing thicker blood so your heart has to pump harder and faster to get sufficient oxygen to your muscles.

  3. Cleanses toxic waste from various parts of the body and carries it to the liver and kidneys for removal.

  4. Lubricates and protects joints, organs, & tissues especially spine & back.

  5. Without the flow of water theres insufficient water to remove waste and toxins through your stool

  6. Keeps skin smooth and hydrated slowing the aging process

  7. Allows the body to sweat adequately to release toxins

  8. Prevents loss of memory & cognitive impairment

  9. Lessens addictive urges including caffeine, alcohol and certain drugs


4 Ways NOT drinking enough water makes you fat:

  1. Water decreases a key hormone called vasopressin which in new research is highly correlated with obesity.

  2. Water balances sodium in your blood which limits the conversion of glucose to fructose which causes fatty liver and fat storage (especially around the gut)

  3. Water makes you full by stretching receptors in the stomach

  4. You often think you are hungry when really you are thirsty so you eat calories you don’t need!

Water Basics

  • Clean Water is essential - drink clean filtered water as much as possible. Tap water is full of contaminates that would shock you!

  • Plastic bottled water often worse than tap water! Full of BPA chemicals. Glass only.

  • Minerals as important as water! You need minerals (electrolytes) such as magnesium, potassium & sodium if you truly want to have good hydration balance!

Salt is not bad for you BUT it is nuanced!

The Truth

  • Poor mineral balance (magnesium, potassium & sodium) can also be major cause of living life at substandard health & energy!

  • Magnesium is critical for about 700 bodily chemical processes

  • Without enough sodium your nerve conduction is compromised

The Great Irony

  • If you are generally healthy and normal weight and eat a healthy diet you are MORE likely to be sodium deficient because people that eat poor processed diets get ample added salt (even though poor quality) from their ‘crap’ food choices!

  • So if you are metabolically healthy with normal insulin and eat a whole foods diet you probably need more salt in your diet.

  • If you have a belly or substantial belly fat you are more likely insulin resistant and have high blood pressure so adding more salt may not be for you! I would say consult your doctor.

How to add quality salt to your diet

A) Add a teaspoon of quality salt (Redmond or Murray River salt) to your morning glass of water.

B) Eat 8 olives per day.

C) Eat quality seafood sources especially seaweed.

D) Feel free to add quality salt to cooking & meals.

E) Take 500mg of magnesium every day (Magnesium Breakthrough from Bioptimizers my favourite)

How to optimise hydration & mineral status

  • Drink 30ml of water per kilogram of weight. Example - if you are 70kg x 30ml = 2100ml per day. This will vary slightly depending on sex, age and activity level.

  • Drink at least 300ml of water when you first wake (probably with salt)

  • Drink a glass of water 30min before meals. BUT no water during meals because it dilutes important digestive enzymes.

  • When you feel hungry first ask yourself if you might actually be thirsty and drink some water.

  • Drink more water when exercising

  • Sparkling mineral water is perfectly good for hydration and may even be more filling to prevent hunger

Best Water Drinking Tip

  • Buy yourself a glass water bottle (that you can see through) and put it on your desk or wherever you work. The mere fact that you can see the water level is incredibly motivating to make you drink! Ideally aim to drink a 1 litre water bottle twice!

Optimal morning water mix

  • 300-500ml filtered water

  • 1/2 teaspoon bicarb soda

  • 1 teaspoon Redmond Sea Salt or Seaweed mineral salt

  • 2000mg vitamin C

  • Quinton Tablet

  • Hydrogen tablet

Water & mineral balance may literally improve and extend your life! You will notice a HUGE DIFFERENCE in your energy, bowel motility, skin, hair and mental clarity when you are optimally hydrated.

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