In all of history every successful person has had one common trait that is critical in achieving success in their chosen field of endeavour!
They have taken 100% RESPONSIBILITY for every aspect of their life!
No blaming others or making excuses for who we are and what we have become! Just stand up and take ownership that we are who we are because of our own actions!
Following on from this is the realisation that if you are going to be successful, prosperous, content and happy in any or all aspects of your life, whether it be relationships, career, health or day to day living that it is 100% up to yourself!
To quote William Johnsen’s famous line “If it is to be, it is up to me!”
This is particularly pertinent when it comes to your health & fitness! You can get lucky in life sometimes and be successful despite your actions but when it comes to your health and fitness there is ABSOLUTELY NO SHORT CUTS!
You either eat well and exercise or it will never ever happen! No magic pill, no secret formula and no other way except taking action!
As I often reply (tounge in cheek) to people who say “how do you keep so fit?” – “Well, It doesn’t happen by accident”!
Looking after your health & fitness should be every single persons Number 1 priority in life! Yes, I hear you, even above family, career and religion! It is very hard to have a great career and provide for your family when are incapacitated, disabled or dead! It astounds me, even after 27 years as a full time fitness professional, that people don’t understand the key to a life lived to potential is being free of disease and ailment (both mental and physical) and being free of physical limitations!
You can only give yourself your best chance to achieve a life lived to its upmost potential when you are healthy and physically fit! Everything short of this is nothing but a compromise! You don't have to run marathons and climb mountains, just keep your weight in check, get a good balance of vitamins & nutrients from your diet, stay active and exercise enough that you have reasonable cardiovascular and muscular conditioning with good mobility and ease of movement.
So if you are to truly get fit and be healthy & well you need to take responsibility! No one else can do it for you! Everyone knows what to do because it is incredibly simple! Eat good whole real foods, don’t eat or drink too much crap and do a little exercise!
Stop looking in the mirror and thinking well I have a good job, I provide well for my family, I love my kids, I am a good person with integrity and good character BUT I could be a lot healthier and fitter! Take the ‘BUT’ out because all these things won’t help you if you have a heart attack, suffer a stroke or get cancer or other lifestyle related disease that you could have prevented!
Make a decision to prioritise your health & wellbeing and make it happen because then you won’t have to compromise anymore! You can look in that mirror and be 100% proud of the person staring back at you!
“If it is to be, it is up to YOU"!